iThoughts can be configured to ‘auto number’ your topics - for example:
Enabling Numbering:
Numbering is applied to a SINGLE topic. The numbering will then either start at that topic or start with that topic’s children. There are some pre-defined numbering options you can choose - or you can create your own custom numbering scheme - see the section below:
To apply the numbering, see the screenshots below for iOS, Mac, Windows
Custom Numbering:
The style of numbering is highly customisable and defined using a simple ‘syntax’. In the example above, the format (set on the root topic) is 0:^nn^.nn^…^
The definition of this syntax is as follows (optional bits are enclosed with [ ]):
0: = the numbering should start on the current topic - otherwise numbering starts on the immediate children.
prefix = text that appears at the start of every number (usually a bracket)
^ = separator between levels
xx = number format for a level - as follows:
nn = number
aa = lowercase letter (a, b, c …)
AA = uppercase letter (A, B, C …)
ii = lowercase roman numeral (i, ii, iii, iv …)
II - uppercase roman numeral (I, II, III, IV …)
… = the last number should be repeated for all subsequent levels
suffix = text that appears at the end of every number (usually a bracket - but could be a colon, a space or even \n for a carriage return)
In addition:
Each xx entry can have text either side of it to create separators.
When two ^ are present it will result in the parent number being omitted from the children (effectively restarting the numbering.)
Some examples, to demonstrate what’s possible (format in red):