iThoughts (for iOS9+) is a totally new app - a ground up rewrite of the original. It's also a universal app (works on iPhone and iPad) and it requires iOS9.

The original apps can still be downloaded - but you need to go to the 'Purchased' section in the AppStore App to find them. That said, the original app is effectively 'broken' by iOS8 and will not even install/run on iOS11 now that Apple have withdrawn support for older apps.

The new app has a bunch of new features (below) but it also lacks some features of the original (also below.)

New stuff

The following features are in the new app (but not in the previous apps.)

  • Universal (buy it once and install it on iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.)

  • Fully paid up member of the iOS7 design philosophy :-)

  • Totally new cloud sync architecture - much faster and more reliable (only Dropbox and WebDAV supported currently.)

  • Extensive bluetooth keyboard support - see here.

  • Multiple selection of topics - see here.

  • Independently resize topic, image or text.

  • New map picker with thumbnail previews, favourites and recycle/trash system.

  • More imports:

    • Markdown

    • Mindnode

    • Simtech Mindmapper

    • CMAP

    • Scapple

    • MindMeister

    • SimpleMind

  • More Exports:

    • Exports as a 'website' (package of HTML, clickable images and attachments.)

    • Export as multi page PDF (which can then be printed out and stuck together into a 'poster')

    • Textpack export (for Ulysses)

    • Flashcard export

  • Research feature can now download websites for off line viewing (as a .webarchive)

  • Icon Favourites

  • System settings accessible from within the app.

  • Relationship improvements

    • Right angled

    • Straight line

    • Summary

  • Choose a default colour for callouts (great for annotating.)

  • Infinite (effectively) and dynamic canvas which grows and shrinks to fit the map.

  • Style support - see here

  • Much improved printing support - see here

  • Much improved 'external display' support - see here.

  • Reminder and Calendar integration - see here.

  • Multiple language support (see here)

  • Sorting (continuous and manual) - see here

  • iCloud support (syncing and handoff)

  • iOS9 Spotlight (Search) Integration

  • iOS9 Multitasking (side by side windows)

  • iOS9 iPhone6s 3D Touch Shortcuts

  • iOS11 Drag/Drop support

  • iOS11 Siri integration

  • TouchID/FaceID encrypted maps.

  • Hand drawn style maps

  • User supplied background canvas patterns

  • Auto balanced maps

  • Outline View

  • Many more topic shape options

...many more 'under the hood' improvements to speed and animations etc.


Missing in action

(re)Developing the app from scratch gave me the opportunity to have a bit of a 'clear out'. The following features (in the previous apps) are not in the new app. Some were omitted due to time constraints and may be added in later - others have been retired permanently.

  • Shadows

  • Novamind4 import/export support.

  • MyThoughts export support (import is still supported)

  • iMindmap4 import/export support.

  • Support for direct integration (although you can connect/sync via WebDAV.)

  • Version history for maps.

  • TextExpander support (no need with iOS8 custom keyboards)

  • Paste Style

  • $date and $time variables (although there is a print watermark option now)

There may be other small features - but I can't think of them now.


What's going on - where's my free update?

Because it's a new app - it must be purchased again. Apple do not support the idea of 'upgrade pricing'.

Reasoning behind the 'new app' decision:

  • I wanted to streamline the app - which meant removing certain features. I can't do that to an app that someone has already purchased in good faith.

  • I wanted to make the app 'Universal' and there is no way to 'merge' separate apps.

  • Many users are not happy with iOS7 look and feel - and would rather not upgrade.

  • This whole exercise has taken 9 months - and I've got bills to pay, kids to feed etc.

The original apps can still be downloaded from the 'Purchased' section of the AppStore.

There will be no more updates to the original apps. This is largely because Apple will not allow updates to apps unless they are built using the iOS7 technology - which means I'd need to iOS7'ify the original apps. Unfortunately this also applies to bug fixes etc.


I'm fine with that - how do I get started?

First job is to download (purchase!) it from the AppStore

Once installed, see here for an explanation of how to transfer your maps over from the original app to the new app.

Once your maps are safely transferred into the new app then you can delete the original app. It's important to ensure that ALL your maps are transferred - deleting the original will delete all its maps (irreversibly/)

I'm not fine with that

Please drop me a line.