Conditional formatting 

Conditional formatting enables you to change topic attributes (color, shape etc) based on other attributes of that topic. In the examples below we can see that a topic with a priority of 1 and text starting with //TODO will be coloured red and made larger.

As can be seen in the screenshots above, the conditional formatting is part of the Style settings. This means you can save the rules into a style template and apply that to other maps.

The attributes that can be tweaked based on a rule are:

  • Shape

  • Color

  • Text Color

  • Font Size

  • Bold/Italic/Underline/Strikeout text

The rules themselves are defined using a textual’English like’ language (explained here.) For example, to match on all priority 1 topics the rule would be priority=1

There can be multiple rules and they are evaluated in order. They are also ‘cumulative’ so you might have one rule that sets priority 1 topics to have large text and another rule to set topics with the text ‘TODO’ to be red.