Import/Export Browser Bookmarks

iThoughts (on Mac or Windows) can import and export browser bookmarks. This enables you to take your bookmarks from Safari, Chrome, Edge etc and view them as a mindmap (with clickable links.) You can then edit the map - reorganise things - and then reexport such that the browser can import them again.

Fortunately there is a ‘standard’ way to save bookmarks - the ‘Netscape Bookmark File Format’. Ironically this is well documented on the Microsoft website. The file is actually just an HTML file - that you can also open in a browser to view your bookmarks as a webpage.

iThoughts (Mac)

To import a bookmarks file into iThoughts, choose File -> Open menu. To export a map as a bookmarks file, choose the File -> Share menu then the ellipsis tab (as below)

iThoughts (Windows)

To import a bookmarks file into iThoughts, choose File -> Import menu. To export a map as a bookmarks file, choose the File -> Export menu option then the Bookmarks tab as below:

Browser Import/Export

Over time, the following will become out of date as the browser developers find new ways to hide functionality - but for now, see below for how to import/export:

Safari (Mac)

  • Export

    • File -> Export -> Bookmarks (menu)

  • Import

    • File -> Import From -> Bookmarks HTML File (menu)

Google Chrome (Windows + Mac)

  • Export

    • Enter the following into the address bar

      • chrome://bookmarks/

    • Click on the triple dot button in the top right then the Export Bookmarks menu option

  • Import

    • Enter the following into the address bar

      • chrome://settings/importData

    • Choose ‘Bookmarks HTML File’

Edge (Windows)

  • Export

    • Enter the following into the address bar

      • edge://favorites/

    • Click on the triple dot button in the top right then the Export Favorites menu option

  • Import

    • Enter the following into the address bar

      • edge://importData/

    • Choose Import From -> HTML file