iThoughts can import and export in many different formats - as detailed below:

cs = Coming Soon

iOS macOS Windows
Import Formats
Freemind/Freeplane (.mm)
Mindmanager (.mmap v6 and later)
ConceptDraw (.cdmz)
Mindview (.mvd and .mvdx)
Novamind v5 (.nm5)
XMind8 & 2021 (.xmind)
iMindmap v5+ (.imx)
MyThoughts (.mytx)
Mindnode (.mindnode)
Mindmapper (.twdx)
OPML (.opml)
Rich Text (.rtf)
Plain Text (.txt)
Markdown (.md or .markdown)
Scapple (.scap)
CMAP (.cxl)
MindGenius6 (.mgmx)
SimpleMind (.smmx)
MindMeister (.mind)
Browser Bookmarks (.html)
Export Formats
Freemind/Freeplane (.mm)
Mindmanager (.mmap v6 and later)
ConceptDraw (.cdmz)
Mindview (.mvd and .mvdx)
Novamind v5 (.nm5)
XMind8 (.xmind)
iMindmap v5+ (.imx)
OPML (.opml)
Rich Text (.rtf)
Plain Text (.txt)
Markdown (.markdown)
Textpack (.textpack)
MS Word (.docx)
MS PowerPoint (.pptx)
MS Project (.xml)
Image (.png)
Flash Card (
Things (
Browser Bookmarks (.html)


When iThoughts imports a 3rd party format it converts it into the ITMZ format (native to iThoughts.) This conversion process is 'lossy'. If an attribute or setting is not recognised by iThoughts then it is simply ignored. If an attribute is unsupported by iThoughts then it may be 'interpreted'. A good example of this is when dealing with colours. Most desktop apps have a different colour attribute for line, fill and text. iThoughts doesn't distinguish between line and fill colour, so when importing it picks one and discards the other.

This can be an issue when re-exporting as the unrecognised/unsupported attributes really are discarded at import time and will therefore not be present in the subsequent export.

Generally speaking, however, the 'important' information within the map is maintained between import/export (text, notes, layout, links etc.) It is usually the more 'aesthetic' attributes that are an issue (text styling etc.)

One important exception to this is multi page/sheet mind maps (e.g. XMind and Novamind) iThoughts will only import the FIRST page/sheet. Subsequent pages are DISCARDED. Multi page mind maps should not be used with iThoughts.


If you would like to see how your maps will look after being pushed through an iThoughts import/export then drop me a line and I will test it here for you.